
Saturday 7 May 2011

Weekends are for relaxing so they say!

There's no time to waste right now. We have quilts to finish (actually we also have quilts to start but we're trying not to think about that) and garments to design, construct and embroider. Laura is busy dyeing feathers (don't ask!) for something we have in mind and I've been set the task of making paper beads which will form neat little collars around the ends of the dyed feathers so we can attach them to fabrics. If it all works out it will be great!

To make best use of time I'm even doing 'stereo' quilting on the longarm machine. These two quilts are long and narrow and fit happily side by side.

I'm often asked where my inspiration comes from. Nature never fails to inspire me, especially when I'm looking for exciting colour combinations. Who could resist the new leaves of our banana plant as they unfurl? This specimen is taller than I am - a photograph really can't do it justice.

Funny thing is, although I love the perfection of the new leaves, I think I like it even more when the colour retreats like this on a dying lower leaf. I can just imagine a quilt with those colours and sinuous curvy shapes - just give me a few more hours in the day and I'll get round to it!

Bye for now - Linda


  1. Beautiful leaf colours. I've used my longarm for even small A3 size quilts. It sometimes seems easier to draw with the needle than to shove the fabric!!

  2. Love the colours on the two pieces on the longarm. Nothing better than nature for inspiration.

  3. You and Laura are a constant source of inspiration. The quilts on your Gamill look really interesting. I'm betting it won't be long before we see that banana leaf effect showing up in a dying demo on DMTV.

  4. Each picture is beautiful!! love seeing your both 'at work' and 'in the process'!
