
Thursday 26 January 2012

Making time in a busy day

It's been a busy few days here since we reopened enrolment for our Online courses this week. Laura and I have got square eyes from sitting in front of our computers all day welcoming students and dealing with the admin! I have however managed a few stolen minutes in my studio in the evenings and thought you might like to see some of the things I'm working on.

This will be a cushion once I've made the backs! I've pieced some of Laura's fantastic printed fabrics and just draped them over the cushion pad to see the effect. Don't you just love the peeling paint? It looks so real!!

I've made a small start on the quilting for this bird panel. He was one of the pages from last year's Art House Sketchbook Project and Laura printed him on cotton fabric for me.

I love how the print has captured the textures of the watercolour wash so perfectly.

I've added some painted fusible feathers to make a border and provide me with shapes to quilt.

The second Iris quilt now has painted leaves and stems and I'm drawing onto the paint to add shadows so it looks as though the stems weave in and out as they sit in the vase.

With all this activity it's important not to forget the inner man! I made a double batch of loaves and rolls this week to sustain the workers!!

Hope you can squeeze a bit of creative time into you working day too - it's what keeps you happy and sane! Bye for now,


  1. The cushion is gorgeous, and the peeling paint section is very effective. I think anyone that see's it in real life won't be able to stop themselves from touching the fabric to see if it's really peeling!

  2. Can I come and live with you please?

  3. Thanks Claire! You're exactly right - I can't stop touching it and I should know better!

    Annabel - it's lunchtime so I expect it's the hunger pangs making the bread look attractive rather than wanting to come and join me in front of a computer screen all day!

  4. For a moment I thought the loaves were fabric!

  5. Wow! You have been busy! I am so envious of your printer! I really thought the peeling paint was real at first:)

  6. At first I was sure the pillow was peeling. Wonderful prints! - and beautiful quilting :o)

  7. Ah ha - the wonders of digital printing! It certainly offers a lot of scope.

    I do enjoy your blog, by the way.


  8. Is there a chance we might see the printer at work in an episode of DMTV?

  9. I think Laura has plans to put some special videos of the printer in action on the Fingerprint website once it's up and running. I'll keep you posted!
