
Thursday 3 May 2012


It was Oscar Wilde who said he could resist everything except temptation wasn't it? I know just what he meant. All I can say is avoid antique auctions if you are weak willed and easily tempted like me! Anyone who gets our regular newsletter will have seen my latest acquisition but here it is again.

Who could resist such a lovely thing, even if it didn't have its workings and was a bit sad and neglected? I have to confess I bought two that were quite similar and two others that were even more derelict. Laura has plans to do wonderful things with them so we'll have to wait and see! Right at the end of the auction there was a lot that no one seemed interested in. Seemed like everyone was there for the old clocks and unlike me didn't see the appeal of a chunky glass inkwell.

Trouble is when you buy at auction you often get more than you bargain for. The lot included a number of other inkwells, perfume bottles and salt cellars. Not sure what I'll do with all of these but they were a bargain!

When we got home with our treasures we spotted this cluster of gold and black between two of the plant pots in the conservatory. My younger daughter says I should include a warning symbol when I post pictures like these but I've told her to get a grip and stop being such a girl!

 Mind you I did squeal a bit myself when seconds later they shot off in every direction like this.

I shall confess to my other mad purchases at the auction another day. I don't want you to think I got carried away!

Thanks for reading this - I appreciate your company. Bye for now, Linda


  1. Wow - what sort of spider is that. Aren't they pretty! I wonder what they look like when they're fully grown. I think I'd have jumped too if they all suddenly started moving :-) Have a great (dry?) weekend.

  2. Eeeewe! I am definitely *not* a spider person. Lady bugs, now...that's a different story. :-)

    As for those glorious glass pots/ about rewarding your graduates...? ;-)

  3. Hi Angie. I have no idea what kind of spiders they are but I expect someone reading this post might know!

    Hi Margaret. I'm not sure antique glass is a good thing to mail all over the world - it was hard enough to get it home in the car! I think I may have solved a few Christmas presents early this year.

  4. WOW. First of all, the treasures are simply wonderful!! Love the clock. I've never seen anything like it.

    The spiders! How fun to find such unusual looking spiders. I don't necessarily love spiders, but put up with them since we now live in a forest and have lots of bugs, which they eat...we would have more without the spiders. I think they are fascinating to watch and I admire them for their ability to make something so strong, yet barely there.

    My first thought looking at the second photo where the spiders are scattering along the rays of the web was:"Wow - what a great quilt that would make! " lol.


  5. Linda, I've found them. It is juvenile Araneus diadematus, we have them in Norway too, although I'm not too fond of spiders. They are ok as long as I do not see them, I always have the feeling they are crawling down my back...


  6. Antique ink wells and baby spiders, it just doesn't get better than that! Beautiful coloring on them! I bet your happy they will keep the pest population down on your newly rising sprouts! THAT is sustainable!

