
Sunday 17 June 2012

More painting today

I stretched a sheet of watercolour paper onto my drawing board yesterday so I'd be all ready for a painting session today. It's so much easier to work with flat paper! My still life has a few favourite pieces of china and some fruit. I only had 3 lemons but that looks far too mean so I shall cheat and pretend there are several more in the dish when I come to paint them. I love to use familiar objects in a painting and this time I thought it would be fun to include a small quilt too.

I needed a backdrop and the Iris quilt almost hides the longarm machine at the end of the room! I'm working with very transparent layers. Here's the first bit of colour. As you can see from the shine, the paint is still wet so I must leave it to dry before I can add a second layer or paint right up to any of the wet edges.

I don't mind a few blurry areas but some of the shapes are looking very woolly right now. I'll try to correct that next time.

My paintbox gets topped up with a squeeze of tube colour whenever I use up a half pan. I now have quite a selection of different brands and colours in there but gradually I shall have my favourite colours like sepia and indigo take over from the more basic colours that are usually in a paintbox when you buy it!

I've got a lot of work before this is finished but I'll keep you posted if it's going OK. I've also done a bit more to the daffodil painting - I'll show you that next time too.

Thanks for dropping by. Talk to you again soon - Linda


  1. I love your watercolors. All of your work is fabulous and just "knowing" you online makes me want to strive to improve my work. You are a blessing to so many.

  2. I love your painting style and technique,Linda, and the colours are gorgeous. Wish I could have a lesson or two with you (you don't offer any online painting courses do you?!) Thank you for showing us your lovely work.
