
Sunday 7 October 2012

So much for Plan A

I didn't have a lot of free time this weekend but I thought I'd baste some batting and backing to a piece of black cloth I'd discharged some while ago so I'd be ready to start quilting.

I can't remember if I've shown you this before - it was made by cutting a mask from freezer paper and applying DeColourant paste to discharge the black back through sepia tones to almost bone white. My plan was to quilt heavily and then add painted details delineated by the quilting.

It should have only taken five minutes to baste but as I was searching through my fabrics for a suitable piece of backing I came across this hand dye and thought it would be rather nice pieced into the black.

Further down the pile I found this silver grey and thought it would provide a nice flash of light.

With the bit between my teeth, I excavated another crate - this is one where I keep unfinished bits and pieces. Low and behold, two appliqued crows on exactly the right colour fabric surfaced from the depths.

And just because I might need a bit of foreground interest to achieve the right proportions I rifled the crate where I keep my 5" squares! So, next time anyone asks me how I design my quilts I may have to confess that sometimes I make it up as I go along!

Thanks for reading this. I shall post a picture of the quilt top once all the components are together. It's going to look very different from my original plan! Talk to you soon - Linda


  1. Thanks for sharing your 'design' process on the fly! How cool!!! Enjoy that grand baby!

  2. What! No picture of Amelie?!! :) I am sure she is growing like a weed and has everyone wrapped around her tiny fingers. I love the design process. The spontaneity of creating by the seat of one's pants. The what if and perhaps, all lead to a much more interesting piece of art.

  3. Has to be a Favorite phrase, 'what if...'. Lol

  4. I wouldn't say you had to 'confess', it's a great way of designing!So rewarding to keep getting new ideas!

  5. wonderful juxtapositions and proving one should never throw away anything :)

  6. It's looking good! You have such wonderful fabrics to choose from!

  7. It's a lovely way to work and I think it is going to look great

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments and support. The more I look at those fabrics the more I think the piecing may need to be more complex but I'll be sure to let you see what's happening as I experiment.

  9. You are soooooo clever Linda! I drool every time I see your work and your book is almost coming adrift with use. My Muttley asks me whether I get sick of quilting books all the time...he just doesn't seem to get it! However even he has to admit that your work is maybe he knows something after all. Thank you for being so generous with your processes. And where is Amelie?
