
Thursday 12 February 2015

Signs of spring

Longer days mean renewed energy and more progress with the quilt!

It's great to be out at the edges outlining all the gold text with black thread.

And adding detail to the appliquéd shapes.

I've also 'drawn' some shapes with stitch - these will be painted when all the quilting is complete. I like to mix it up - I've got feathers that are stencilled, outline stitched and appliquéd.

On a completely different note........

I can't remember if I mentioned the unusual present we were given for Christmas. This log is apparently impregnated with mushroom spawn. Except for the fact it has a handy carrying rope, it looks like any old log and I am not saying I was sceptical but this morning as I walked around the garden looking for signs of new life I spotted this.........

I don't think we'll be dining on gourmet mushrooms any time soon but there is the promise of things to come! It's only February and there will no doubt be plenty of winter yet but the garden is already alive with birdsong and squabbling blackbirds staking their claim to territory.

The usual suspects are flowering away like little cheery beacons!

And the camellias are already showing their colour.

This viburnum blooms for ages and is perfumed too. I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm depressed all winter but these signs that spring is on its way really cheer me up!

Thanks for dropping by - I'm off to do more quilting! Linda x


  1. Oh my goodness! We have a 53" snow pack in our yard! Enjoy all these wonderful signs of life!!

  2. Oh dear Beth, how do you stand it? I love snow for about one day then the novelty wears off very quickly!

  3. ...and the days are getting noticeably longer too - makes such a difference.

  4. I love your work. We have about 30 cm. of snow on the ground, not much chance of seeing snowdrops for about 1 1/2 months.

  5. I went and put a note on the calendar to order snowdrop bulbs this fall. Every year I see them on blog posts and wish I had some in the yard. Camellias, sadly, do not like our extreme temps, so I will enjoy your photos instead. Your quilt is fabulous. Now to scour the internet for the mushroom log - what fun!

  6. Maybe my photos of spring flowers were a a little previous - we had snow this morning and a terrific hail storm this afternoon. I was trapped in my workroom for quite a time with hailstones beating down on the glass roof. Good reason to stay put quilting as if I needed an excuse!
