
Thursday 17 September 2015

New website coming soon

and more stuff I probably don't need! I have a thing for Denby teapots and jugs so couldn't resist this find on the market last week. What you can't tell from the photo is the size - this beauty holds 8 pints! It will need to be a very big tea party to make this a useful addition to my collection. Laura suggests I take it down to the village hall for the next meeting of the WI.

I contacted Denby for some information and the very helpful customer services people told me it was made between 1948 and 1984. This example looks as though it has never been used - probably too heavy to lift by some feeble little woman when full of tea!

Back to the workroom and more printmaking. I've enjoyed making a collagraph plate from very simple materials. This one was a piece of cardboard with the addition of gesso, acrylic gel medium, coarse hessian and sticky brown parcel tape. I love the fine detail you get from intaglio printing - must be my latest, best favourite thing!

I'm integrating one of the prints into my art diary and DMTV viewers will see the finished thing very soon. I am excited by the possibilities of these prints and have asked Laura and Jamie to digitally print a couple of them onto fabric for me. Watch this space for quilts coming soon!

The Art Diary challenge that I set a couple of weeks ago has certainly fired everyone's imagination. I'm receiving lots of lovely images - here are a few from the last couple of days.

My thanks to Jennifer and Barbara for letting me share those pages with you all. In a little while it will be much easier to do this because Laura is building a new dedicated DMTV website which will include a forum. This will be a page where I can chat with members, answer questions and post occasional comments and tutorials. We are hoping that this extra feature will be a popular addition to the site. It's in testing phase right now and will go live as soon as we've ironed out any wrinkles!

Lots to do so better get on with it! Thanks for reading - Linda x


  1. Look forward to the 'new' forum you're adding. We look to you and Laura for more inspiration and always are in awe of both of your work!!! Jennifer and Barbara's journals are great!!!

  2. I love that print. I'm obsessed with mono printing onto tissue paper and the exciting and unexpected texture that can create especially when then stuck onto rag paper. Inevitable creases just add to the delight IMHO. But I really do love the idea of a collagraph plate as well. I will get this batch out of the way and then maybe that will be my challenge for 2016.

  3. Love the teapots. I share your quirky need for them. Do you have any suggestions for people that aren't familiar with teapots? I have friends that I would like to get hooked on old fashioned tea. I love all of the artwork shown in your post too. Especially the birds.

    Chris Hatcher @ Red Stick SEO
