
Saturday 29 July 2017

Portrait Painting

It's the school holidays and that means we get to spend a bit more time with our granddaughter.

Today's activity involved lying on a large sheet of cardboard while I drew around her with a black marker pen. Then the good bit - lots of paint!

The finished portrait is standing in a corner of my office until Amelie visits again to paint the back. It's very startling when you walk into the room having forgotten it's there!

The face isn't very angelic is it? Looks to me rather like Dennis the Menace!

Out in the garden these monsters are ripening nicely.

They'll never win a beauty contest but I bet they'll taste great. We're having the first one tonight with a nice mustard dressing and lots of torn basil. Yum!

I've got one blank page left in my concertina sketchbook, I might make a drawing of it before I slice it up!

Bye for now - Linda x


  1. How cute!!!! Isn't if fun to be a grandma!! HA Those tomatoes look wonderful! Nothing like fresh veggies!

  2. I have the feta and olives to go with your tomatoes. I love Amelie's "twin". I had a doll that looked just like my baby sister that used to scare the heck out of my parents. :)
