
Thursday 12 October 2017

Oh no - not again!

Laura won't thank me for showing you this you can see she wanted to remain incognito!

After thinking she was on the road to recovery we had another alarming trip in an ambulance this week. The third 999 call in as many weeks. I have to tell you that seven hours in the middle of the night in A&E is no way to spend a big chunk of the weekend! Although we still don't have a diagnosis of the root cause of her illness we have discovered that Laura can't tolerate huge doses of iron. Luckily, intravenous fluids and anti nausea medication had her back on her feet and on her way home in a short space of time. There are more hospital procedures to come but in the meanwhile stopping the iron tablets has had a miraculous effect! Laura has to take things a bit easier in future and so don't be surprised if you see her sister's name appearing more regularly in all things relating to DMTV and Fingerprint. We're really lucky to have Frances to call on and share the load when we need extra help, especially with the website and social media - she's a real whizz at all that stuff and let's face it, I'm hopeless in that department!

In the midst of the drama, work continues on renovations to Laura and Jamie's house. Ideally the  arrival of the workmen would have been postponed till she was better but when you wait so long for anything to get done it was decided to let them go ahead as planned. The next stage of work involves moving all the shop stock to another part of the building. On starting that yesterday we unearthed these two cushions that I made quite some time ago for a video we called something like, 'Button It' or 'Button Up', I can't remember exactly which. We make loads of stuff like this and it usually gets lost in the depths of the studio never to be seen again! We've added them both to the DMTV shop where you'll find lots of detail images listed under 'Linda's Work'.

We have a LOT of pieces that really need to find new homes and so we'll be adding them to the shop over the next few weeks. Let's call it a spring clean come early! OK, very early!

Thanks for reading today - Linda x


  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  2. Goodness, how alarming. All good wishes to you all and hope Laura is soon feeling better.

  3. Oh my, will keep Laura in my prayers. She is a special lady. I hope they find out soon what is best for helping her.
    Sandy in Bracknell

  4. Oh my gosh, poor Laura. Wishing her a speedy recovery and a diagnosis for what is causing this. And to you, Jamie, Amelie, and the rest of the family, big hugs. I wonder how shipping casseroles to the UK would fare so you wouldn't have to cook? LOL! Seriously, take care of yourself as well. Our getting our weekly fix of goodness from DMTV is minor compared to Laura's health. Rest up and be good to yourself as well. Hugs.

  5. Best wishes to you all hope they soon find out of something Birthe in Denmark

  6. I actually remember a video on using buttons to attach the quilt top. My prayers are with all of you and I hope Laura gets feeling better quickly!!!! In the meantime, tell her to just rest!!!!! We'll put her to work later so enjoy this downtime!!!

  7. sorry to hear what is happening to Laura........good to have family around for that time.

  8. Whoa! Wishing Laura a speedy recovery -- and hugs to Laura's DH, you and your DH and Frances for holding down the fort on the (grand)parenting, tech and construction side of things!
