Wednesday 27 April 2011

OK Couldn't wait!!

It's a lovely sunny day here and discharge paste dries very quickly on a warm day. I promised to show this print tomorrow but I was just too impatient to wait that long. I've ironed the fabric to discharge the dye colour and it's about to go in the washing machine to remove any remaining deColorant that might still be on the surface. Not sure what I'm going to do with it but I like it so far!


  1. Beautiful! It looks like leaves landing on the first snow. Have a beautiful day.

  2. Yippee! Now we can follow you on a daily/weekly basis! So glad you started a blog for those of us who don't have facebook!!

  3. Linda~ I love the results. Your new blog is stunning---I clicked to follow.

    Will I see you at the Royal Wedding? :) I'm slightly in love with the happy pair.

    ~ Madeline

  4. Welcome to Blogland!! I personally like blogging much better than facebook. Love the new work:))


  5. That's really effective. Discharging colour is something I'd like to try some time.

  6. Fabulous result. I'll give a try to discharging colour as soon as possible. I really love this technique. Thank you so much for opening your blog.

  7. Linda, re: the blog: Thank You!

    And...being Canadian you know I can't resist the Siren call of the Maple Leaves! Lovely!

    Alas, in Western Canada we don't have the same beauties as they do in the East (I grew up in SW Quebec with 'sugaring off' and the whole 9 yards...)...but a (transplanted) Albertan can dream...

  8. I love how this piece has turned out - beautiful. And like Margaret, being a Canadian, every time I see maple leaves, I naturally have to look closer!
