Wednesday 17 June 2015

Dotting the 'i's and more from 'The Book'

If there's one thing I can't stand it's unfinished business. During the making of our DMTV workshop videos we often need to have two or more versions of a work in progress and the danger is the extras  just get cast aside once the video is complete. There comes a point when the heaps of bits and pieces offends my eye, to say nothing of them covering every surface and making the workroom totally unusable. It has reached that point where action must be taken!

Here's the first candidate - a compressed sponge print using metallic acrylic paint on hand dyed linen, perfect for a frantic bit of quilting on the PowerQuilter.

And trying not to sound too smug - here it is a couple of hours later sitting with the original pomegranate print cushion in the conservatory. Nothing cheers a place up quicker than a new cushion or two.

With the bit between my teeth, unfinished item number two is already under the needle.

The moths were discharged by printing the paste onto the fabric with a few different sizes of  compressed sponge shapes. I'm stitching swirling patterns with turquoise Madeira 50 and plan to add linear detail in a dark grey thread as a contrast next.

Finally, I had so many responses when I showed a page or two from my recently acquired woman's book that I have to include another page today. I hope you can zoom in close enough to read the advice about not over exerting before breakfast and the need to rest after lunch. Gosh, it's exhausting being a woman isn't it?

Thanks for reading........
Linda x


  1. Really love the pomegranate cushion and they look amazing together. You should have a gold star for finishing things off.

  2. I read the whole page from the woman's book. I'm going to think about dainty meals. :-)

  3. Thanks for the gold star Liza - haven't had one of those for a long time!

  4. Hi Denise - I've read almost all of the book now - over 700 riveting pages!

  5. I was going to give you some bonus points but if your into gold stars ....its a gold star from me also.
    Really love the imagery of moth quilt ,and the richness of colour of the pomegranate cushion.

  6. Thank you Chyfey - gold stars are always good!
