Friday 23 March 2012

Time to bite the bullet

I think people would be surprised to hear how nervous I get before beginning to quilt a new piece. So much depends on the quilting doesn't it? I'll do anything rather than start but there's only so much time wasting you can get away with. I couldn't put the dreaded moment off any longer so this morning the Moth quilt (which I must start to call by its proper name - 'Stray Thoughts', should you be interested!) was pinned onto the longarm machine. I've been quilting on my Mega Quilter for most of my recent work but Moth is quite big and the longarm would make life easier.

The first thing I had to do was select the threads - who'd have thought I needed so many colours?

I'll need all these greys to keep the variation of value in the background.

And these brights should be just right.

I'm hoping these gentle pales will warm some of the background areas.

So, I couldn't put off the evil moment any longer - I had to start. Stitching the background with thread colours that match the background fabric closely is the most forgiving way to get into the zone! I'm sure I'll relax once I've done a bit more stitching! I shall be working on this over the weekend and will let you see how things develop.

Thank you for reading!
Talk to you again soon, Linda


  1. It's absolutely gorgeous Linda....just beautiful!

  2. Thank you so much for the pictures showing how you have selected your thread. I have often wondered how other quilters choose what thread to use. Your pictures were helpful as examples.

  3. Hi Linda, I have been reading back and commenting on past posts as I have only just found your blog, I searched to see if you had one in May last year when I got your lovely 'Painted Quilt' book as a birthday gift (from my wish list of course! :) I love what you and Laura do with the quilts and was inspired to find out more when I came across a picture in a magazine of one of the quilts featured in the book. I started work right away on my own creation inspired by your techniques and then was stumped with how to continue after the quit piece was made,Perhaps it was a touch of the 'nerves' it has sat unpainted in the drawer for almost a year ...shame on me but I got some paintstiks a few days ago and with new ispiration I have started work on it. Im loveing it now, Im your latest follower and look forward to more inspiring posts :)right now Im off to read some more.
