Monday 2 October 2017

I'm back!

For reasons you already know about we've been neglecting all but the essentials over the last few weeks. The garden has certainly suffered but stuff continues to grow regardless. After spending most of my time at Laura's house while she recuperates I've come home to what looks like a different season. I always say I find autumn a melancholy time but despite that I do love the colours.

I promise these haven't been enhanced with photo trickery! They really are luminous and it's not only the plants that seem to glow at this time of year.

I can just about keep up with the tomato harvest......... this is a small selection of what I was presented with this morning!

What we can't eat raw I roast and pass through a sieve to make a lovely sauce that freezes well and keeps us going all through the winter. The oven will be on the go all day today!

But when I asked 'he who gardens' for a few chillies I didn't really expect this enormous offering. We may have to force a selection onto any and every unsuspecting visitor! Little does he know but I'm even keeping an eye open for the postman!

I have managed to escape the heat of the kitchen long enough to work into a new sketchbook. DMTV viewers will soon see more of these pages where I've used rubbing techniques to frame my favourite little birds.

And now that Strictly Come Dancing is back on our screens every weekend we can't ignore the fact that the countdown has begun and Christmas must be just around the corner! I'm working on our DMTV Christmas card - never painted a robin before but I'm enjoying it. The panel needs another coat of gold paint and he needs a few more details and he'll be finished and ready to print.

Thanks for dropping by today - I promise it won't be so long before I write again!
Linda x


  1. It is so good to see you and Laura posting again. You have been missed and I am so relieved that Laura is feeling better. There is little worse than being ill and not knowing what is wrong. Your post is a ray of sunshine today. Our leaves are just starting to turn. Like you, I find Fall a melancholic time. So, I plant spring bulbs and count the days until I see their leaves poking up through the snow. Your birds are beautiful. I received a Christmas card of a quail much along the lines of your robin and it is treasured. Our robins are different than yours. The American robin is similar n coloring but not the cute diminutive size. Wishing you a wonderful week and hopefully not all is spent in the kitchen. You've inspired me to make some sun dried tomatoes. Thanks!

  2. Great to hear Laura is recovering. Here in Queensland it is a very hot spring and the beautiful colours of your leaves are magic to me. I can't believe all those deep pinks and reds. We have a yellow robin that occasionally has visited our garden. Your colours seem to be so intense now. I guess I won't be so jealous when it is our summer and you are having snow. I hope both of you stay well and creative.

  3. Hi Jeannie - I remember seeing a robin when I was teaching in Washington State a few years ago. Nothing like our little bird but lovely just the same. That year I also saw hummingbirds for the first time. It's a memory I treasure - incredibly beautiful creatures.

    1. Our hummers are still at the feeders. Each morning I expect to be the last as they move off to warmer climates. They are a joy. I am so glad you got to see them.

  4. Dear Lynne - thank you for your good wishes. Laura is still very tired but on the mend. It's hard to think of you enjoying all that spring has to offer as we slip gently towards winter. The glorious colours we have now will be short lived and I'll gladly swop you some cold frosty mornings for a bit of Aussie summer come December!

  5. I'm sure the relief about Laura has made braving the heat in the kitchen much more tolerable. I love your little birds and look forward to the shows but much more Laura's continued recovery.
